21 October 2011

Tier 3 Battle Cruisers

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

It appears that in the upcoming winter expansion CCP will be adding Tier 3 Battle Cruisers such as the Minmatar-Tornado.  So we will have BCs with BS guns on them.  Woo Hoo... BLAH!!!

Sorry, but I'm not a big fan of BC's.  I would have preferred a TECH 3 battleship.  However for the pure PvP players (especially the Winmatar players) they'll be more than excited to get another fast ship that does a crap ton of damage.  Just what we need... more nano'd ships that have greater range and more dps.

You can find the original picture from the EvE Create a Ship Contest here.  You can see the names of the other ships as well: Gallente-Morpheus; Caldari-Bateleur; and the Amarr-Abolition.
And for folks that think Tech 3 Frigates should come before battleships... Hell no!  There are plenty of capable and unbalanced frigates in the game.  I don't like the concept of, "more folks can get into them," theory either.  Players need goals (and skills) to work toward.  So please CCP stop giving stuff away to the new players.  Make them earn those ships with the time investment a lot of folks have already committed.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

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