28 October 2011

Give credit where credit is due.

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

The reason I've decided to write a blog about EvE, is that I have been inspired by others.  EvE is a vastly complex game that can be a bit overwhelming.  However, by reading what other people have done, or learning from their experiences, and hearing their insight gets me motivated to play.  It has also inspired me to share my EvE experiences.

A lot of blogs end up giving the same tips and tricks with a different voice.(mine being one of them)  Others end up having its own voice with its own message.  So when I find a blog that is down right good, that says the things better than I could, the I like to give them credit.  If only to get their numbers up, so that they might be inspired to keep doing what they do.

So I would like you to give The Altruist a Blog by Azual Skoll a shot.  He has recently been accepted to the EvE Blog Pack!  Congrats Mr. Skoll.


 Azual Skoll is also the Director of Agony Unleashed's PVP Univeristy.

He has been doing a real good series about the various hull types in EvE:

Know Your Enemies [Insert Ship Type Here]:

Battle Cruisers
Cruisers part 2
Destroyers & Interdictors
Faction Frigates
Frigates T2 part 1
Frigates T2 part 2
Heavy Assault Cruisers
Heavy Interdictors
Navy CruisersRecons

So please go check him out!

Until next time,

Be Bold!!!

25 October 2011

Stats for the Tier 3 Battle Cruisers & more...

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

One of my corp mates JC Anderson posted this link to some raw data from one of the non-Tranquility servers.  Supposedly it has been confirmed by a Dev as the first pass, and stats may still change.  This data contains information on changes, updates, and additions to items & ships.

Most importantly it has the stats on the New Tier 3 Battle Cruisers & their names:

Amarr - Oracle
8 highs, 3 mids, 6 lows
8 turrets, 0 launchers
No drones
Role bonuses to fitting and capacitor usage for large laser turrets
Range (7.5/lv) and tracking speed (7.5/lv) bonuses to large laser turrets
33 percent faster and 9 percent lighter than the Prophecy and Harbinger

Caldari - Naga
8 highs, 6 mids, 4 lows (one more slot than any other)
8 turrets, 8 launchers (holy crap)
No drones
Role bonuses to fitting and capacitor usage for large hybrid turrets and siege launchers (torpedoes)
Range (10/lv) and tracking speed (7.5/lv) bonuses to large hybrid turrets, and torpedo velocity (10/lv) and explosion-velocity (5/lv)
39 percent faster and 11 percent lighter than the Ferox and Drake

Gallente - Talos
8 highs, 4 mids, 5 lows
8 turrets, 0 launchers
25 drone bay, 25 drone bandwidth
Role bonuses to fitting and capacitor usage for large hybrid turrets
Bonuses to damage of large hybrid turrets (5/lv) and stasis webifier effectiveness (10/lv)
45 percent faster and 9.5 percent lighter than the (current) Brutix and Myrmidon

Minmatar - Tornado
8 highs, 5 mids, 4 lows
8 turrets, 0 launchers
No drones
Role bonuses to fitting for large projectile turrets
Bonuses to rate of fire (-5/lv) and falloff (10/lv) of large projectile turrets
36 percent faster and 6 percent lighter than the Cyclone and Hurricane *All Ships have 8 Turrent points, but the Naga has 8 Launcher points too.

Some other items that look like they are going to be added to the game:
T2 Warfare Links
T2 Probe Launchers (Core & Expanded)
T2 Bomb Launchers

Enjoy the read.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

New Caldari Ship?

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

I normally don't read the EvE Forums, but I did find this "leaked" item from Gealbhan of the Celestial Horizon Corp. [CLS].

Good work sir!

T3 Caldari Blade - Battle Cruiser

Until next time,

Be Bold....

24 October 2011

The Ups and Downs of PvP

Greetings my fellow pod pilot and blog readers!

Some times being a PvP pilot can be really frustrating.  I have been working on my Interdictor skills, and I am not talking about the kind you put into your skill queue.  I'm talking about the skills of piloting the damn things!  One thing I have learned... in EvE character skills only accounts for maybe half of the battle.  The majority of what will determine the outcome of any battle will be the player's skill.  It is that reason that keeps me logging back in.  It is simple.  I love the experience of playing against other players.  The down side to this is that you will often find yourself going head to head against someone that is better than you, or you just make a mistake that results in the loss of your ship.

Recently I have gone through a string of Heretic loses:
#1 Heretic lost as the FC gave the order to make the tackle upon a Myrmidon until support could arrive.
I dropped my bubble, and ran at him to get a warp disruptor on him.  It appears he decided to run at me too.  Scrammed, webbed, and popped.  I missed judged the tactical setting, and paid for it.  However, my sacrifice was not in vain.  32 mil ISK loss, 78 mil ISK killed, 22.5 mil ISK recovered.  A net of 67.5 mil ISK advantage in our favor.
#2 Heretic lost for being stupid.  I got caught in a Sabre's bubble camp/trap with aggression.
I could of warped out in time and made it to my gang, but stayed around in hopes they'd get to me soon enough.  Blah!
#3 Heretic lost as FC ordered me to jump after a small gang of drakes.

The goal was to drop a bubble catch one or two and GTFO.  Unfortunately it seemed I was instantly locked and drones swarmed me.  I made a call for repairs from logistics, but I was gone by the time they were loaded on grid and began to lock me.  What made it even more frustrating was the immediate response of a few folks trying to explain, what I had done wrong.  FC stated I needed to call for reps and get out, which stated I had. (I knew I had.  I had hit a call for shield, realized I was with Guardians & immediately called for armor)  One logi-pilot chimed in, "No you didn't mate."  My initial response was to tell this alliance mate to F&$#K O$$!  However, I knew most of my frustration was from having lost my ship.  I was doing what was ordered, I had dropped the bubble and was trying to get out of it to warp.  I believe that the logi pilot was ignorant to the fact that he was probably still loading on grid as I made the call.  The fleet was chasing behind me, as I jumped to make the tackle.  I was satisfied to see the FC did a review of his broadcast log, and identified that I had indeed called for both shield and armor.

I am happy to report that they did get one of the drakes.  So a loss of 32 mil ISK Heretic for 57 mil ISK drake killed, and 17 million ISK loot salvaged.  A net result of 42 mil ISK advantage in our favor.

As an interdictor or interceptor pilot, you better get used to losing ships.  It is just a fact of life in EvE.  It is one of the primary reasons why most PvP corps have a ship/hull replacement program for these ships.

The string of loses has gotten me some attention in Noir. leadership.  The expectation is that we don't lose ships.  They give the tacklers a bit of leeway, but stupid loses aren't tolerated.  They want you to know how to fly your ships.  I'm working at not letting the taste of a kill get me worked up into a blood frenzy, and just do what is ordered.  Especially when flying a paper thin Heretic.  Even with these loses, I am really beginning to love this little ship.  They are always welcomed in a fleet, require skill to fly, and fit a role that a lot of folks can't/won't fill.  Not to mention that she is by far the sexiest ship in EvE!

With those loses, I made my way back to the staging area.  The gang completed the roam, and wrapped things up.  It wasn't long before the same FC began calling for more pilots to head back out.  As I like to fill a role, the needed ship for this roaming op was logistics, so I climbed into a Guardian.  I would be paired up with another Guardian and Onerios.  What started out as a roam ended up as a camp by taking over two bubbles that had been placed on a gate from null sec into high sec.  It ended up to be very profitable spot.

I'd like to mention that the Nightmare pilot had jumped from high sec into the bubbles, as we were engaged on another ship.  We immediately gave up on that ship to go after the Nightmare.  The pilot was lucky enough to get back to the gate and jump, before we could get sufficient bumps on the ship to keep her off the gate.  The Nightmare then sat on the high sec side, while our FC agonized over the loss of such a juicy kill.  He then decided to see if the Nightmare would be dumb enough to try to jump in again.  We were patient enough, but eventually the fleet chased a Raven off toward another gate.  It was upon our return to the high sec gate, that the Nightmare re-appeared!  This time the fleet was in position to get solid tackle, webs, and bumps.  I even drove my Guardian into the bubbles and made an (in my mind) epic bump upon the Nightmare as it frantically attempted to get back to the gate. It was soon after that the Nightmare exploded and the wreck was looted.  That is a 4.3 billion ISK kill, with 845 million ISK looted.

I'd like to take this time to thank Drivven, the FC of the op for being patient.  Had we simply moved on we would of lost the opportunity to get this killmail.  The fight was frapped, so expect some video, so you can check out my epic Guardian head bump! (ok, so it wasn't that cool :p)

At the end of it all, I felt a lot better about my Heretic loses.

Until next time,

Be Bold!!!

22 October 2011

The Death of Split Infinity and SI Radio

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

So it is official our friends Luminous Aardokay and Quivering Palm have left EvE.  These two former pod casting pod pilots will be sorely missed.

You can find Luminous' farewell here.

It is sad to see them go.  They were my corp mates & friends.  They were one of the primary reasons I remained as active as I did over the past year in EvE.  However... as happens often in EvE real life just gets in the way.

Fly safe gentlemen!

Interview with CCP Hilmar

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

While looking around at the various sites I found this article that has an interview with CCP Hilmar.

He gives a bit of an explanation of what is going over there in Iceland.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

21 October 2011

Tier 3 Battle Cruisers

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

It appears that in the upcoming winter expansion CCP will be adding Tier 3 Battle Cruisers such as the Minmatar-Tornado.  So we will have BCs with BS guns on them.  Woo Hoo... BLAH!!!

Sorry, but I'm not a big fan of BC's.  I would have preferred a TECH 3 battleship.  However for the pure PvP players (especially the Winmatar players) they'll be more than excited to get another fast ship that does a crap ton of damage.  Just what we need... more nano'd ships that have greater range and more dps.

You can find the original picture from the EvE Create a Ship Contest here.  You can see the names of the other ships as well: Gallente-Morpheus; Caldari-Bateleur; and the Amarr-Abolition.
And for folks that think Tech 3 Frigates should come before battleships... Hell no!  There are plenty of capable and unbalanced frigates in the game.  I don't like the concept of, "more folks can get into them," theory either.  Players need goals (and skills) to work toward.  So please CCP stop giving stuff away to the new players.  Make them earn those ships with the time investment a lot of folks have already committed.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

My EvE Jukebox

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

It is Friday... it is time to get in the mood to fly some internet spaceships & blow some s%#$t up!

What better way is there to do that, than to load up some tunes and turn the volume up?

Here is my current EvE music playlist:
Want - Recoil (A sexy voice always puts me in the mood)
Bodies -Drowning Pool
Click Click Boom - Saliva (This is how you kill things in EvE)
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
Alive - P.O.D.
The Enemy - Godsmack ("Hey, hey! Oh mister backstabbing son of a bitch! You're live'n in a world that soon be dying.")
You've Got Another Thing Comin' - Judas Priest
Hang You from the Heavens - The Dead Weather
Bad Company - Five Finger Death Punch
Whiskey in the Jar - Metallica (For the pirate in everyone)
Disturbed - Prayer (Because I'm Amarrian and must pray)
Sober - Tool
The Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
All Along the Watchtower - Bear McCreary (First heard it on Battlestar Gallactica, and had to have it)
Sail - AWOLNATION (I feel like I'm floating in space listening to this)

So what are you listening to?

Be Bold!!!

20 October 2011

The price of your head

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

If you haven't heard pod kill mails will soon list the implants that were lost.

Dev Blog

I can only wonder if this might increase the amount of pods that will get popped in High Sec? This could be a quick and easy way to increase your kill efficiency?

Until next time,

Be Bold...

19 October 2011

You lost your job and I am happy because...

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

Alot has been said about CCP and it's leadership recently. That they had lost focus, took their customers for granted, and were killing EvE to develop new games. Even when the CEO posted an apology, and stated he was committed to making EvE the focus again, folks were skeptical.

However, CCP has just announced they will be cutting positions to insure that assets and funds will be directed at EvE Online!

It is clear CCP realized that killing the golden goose to blindly expand isn't the best choice after all. Some thing has to be creating revenue to pay the bills.

Or maybe it is the coming launch of some stiff competition such as SWTOR that has them concerned.

Either way I don't care! People are getting fired, and my game is going to get better because of it.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

18 October 2011

After Action Video

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

I just wanted to share this video created as a wrap up to our 200th Contract Celebration.

It was created by thekiller2002us using video frapped by Alexg567 during some of those E-UNI fights I mentioned earlier.

Click for Video

At least I got in the top ten for pod kills... :p

Until next time,

Be Bold...

15 October 2011

The war is over.

Pod Pilot Report: Agatir Solenth

Greetings my fellow pod pilots, & blog readers!!!
The war & celebration has finally come to an end.  Here are the final results.  Just under 90% efficiency, and over 30 billion isk blown up!  Not too bad.

Hunting around the trade hubs was where the bulk of the work was done.  However we did get some small fleet/gang fights.  These fights were my first couple of chances to fly as part of one of the fleet concepts that Noir. employs utilizing T2 cruisers.  Here are the results of fight one & two.  A great experience to see how a solid concept with strong leadership can provide results.  There were a few other fights that I missed as well.

As you can see from these fights they were both against EVE University & Ivy League.  Some would say, that it wasn't much sport for a merc corp to go head to head against a corp full of new players.  You are probably right... However, I want to say that EVE University [E-UNI] did not back down from any of the fights, and actually sought them out so they could learn!  The fights that we had against them were mostly prearranged by FCs on both sides.

There is one constant in EvE:
If you don't got out and risk losing ships in PvP, then you will never get better at PvP!

I want to say that we have nothing but respect for those guys that turned up to fight!  At least they fought the good fight unlike:
Desperate Academy
Cryptonym Federation
Masonry Industry
German Constructors
Mostly Inappropriate
Orion Katana
Exitus Acta Probat
The Bougainvillea Trade  Company
Bloddy Angels
Silver and Sons
x Devil Human Dark Side x
Sov-Loss Assurance Partners LLP
Heaven's Army
Special Needs Children
Original Ganksters
No Destiny
UmbRella of Sky
Carebear Mafia
Joint Endeavor
Decadence. Technologies

All of these corps surrendered during the war.
One last thing, just so you don't think that we didn't experience any losses during our fights with EVE University...   Check out this battle report of one of our final fights with them.  Our FC knew it wasn't the smartest fight to get into, but IF EVE University can bring it against stacked odds, then our guys weren't gonna run from a fight either.

As a side note, the FC for the E-UNI fleet, Asion Ghasha was offered a roster spot in Noir. as reward for being the only E-UNI FC to beat us this week.  Word is that he will be accepting.

Until next time...

Be Bold

11 October 2011

What NOT to do...

Pod Pilot Report: Agatir Solenth

Greetings my fellow pod pilots, & blog readers!!!

I cannot nor will not talk about contracts that Noir. is currently taking part of.  Any post contract reports will be edited of some content.  Aleks has made it clear discretion is a vital part of being a mercenary.  Who is to argue with the experts?  However, I will blog, from time to time, about simple lessons to be learned.  There are many things that people take for granted in EvE.  It may be because for most veterans certain things become second nature, or that it is something they are not aware of simply because it isn’t a part of the game that the experience regularly.  A null sec veteran may not be aware of wormhole timer mechanics of entering and exiting a wormhole, or a person new to mining might not be aware of how to properly time mining cycles on a rock.

As part of our celebration of the alliance’s 200thcontract, and the war decking of the biggest alliances in EvE, I have seen a couple of really silly, but easily corrected mistakes.

The first was made by a newer player mining ice in a Covetor.  I was out wandering some high sec systems looking for war targets.  You never know what you will come across.  You might find a miner, a ratter, or a 20 man gang camping a gate.  About mid way through transiting a pipeline of systems I entered a system that had 1-2 ice belts and no station.  There were 2-3 people one of which was a war target.  It was a large system, and nothing showed on the initial D-Scan.  I crossed my fingers, cloaked and headed to the first ice belt. 

As I warped closer a Coveter, Orca, and drones appeared on the D-Scan.  I landed 40km away from both of them.  To my dismay the war target was the Coverter.  As I was in a Pilgrim, I slowly began heading toward them cloaked.  As I got to under 30km of him I began to get excited that I might actually get within disruptor range… and then he warped off.  I watched as it was in line with the gate I just warped from, and I immediately headed back to the gate.  I was happy during the warp as he remained on D-Scan the entire time.  As I landed on the gate there he was!  However instead of jumping through the gate he was re-aligning back out.  Again he was able to warp off before I could make the tackle.   

At this point, I’m thinking he has created a safe spot and I might have missed an easy kill.  I wasn’t willing to give up yet.  He was a relatively new pilot.  He had warped to a gate and not to a safe.  He either panicked, or didn’t have a safe spot in system.  So I jumped back to the ice belt.  Again I was able to keep him on D-Scan as I warped.  This time, however when I landed he was not there, and he soon disappeared from local.  

"Oh hell," I thought to myself, there is a station next door… he went to the other gate!  So I immediately warped to the gate and jumped.  I was spamming the jump button as I landed.  Hoping he was still there.  To my surprise he was.  His ship was still aligning toward what I can only guess was the station in system.  I began spamming approach and target, as we were on opposite sides of the gate and the overview showed him to be 25km away, and 1km outside of my disruptor range.  To my surprise in the time it took to lock him I was able to close the gap and disrupt him.  HUZZAH!!!  Drones away…  Which resulted in this kill.

After the fight I convo’d the pilot.  I think he expected me to gloat… but I’m not a pirate.  I’m a merc.  This is a potential future client.  So I asked if he was new to EvE, and he replied that he was.  I then gave him this simple bit of knowledge.   

If you are going to mine in low sec, null sec, wormhole space, or during war dec while in s system with no station or POS then create safe spots.  To do this, warp between two celestials (moon or planet), and create a bookmark.  Be lined up to that safe spot (right click in space, your bookmark will appear and you can choose the option to ‘align to’) while mining.  When you see a hostile in local (or D-Scan for WH) warp to the safe spot.  Once you land at the safe align to your next safe spot at full speed.  You then watch your D-Scan for probes.  If you don’t see combat probes, you’re safe ***Tip***Be sure your overview is set to see them!  If you do see probes, bounce from safe to safe.  Every time you land align at top speed.  Being aligned at full speed allows you to immediate warp off, when someone gets on grid with you.***Tip*** If you are mining or ratting in null sec I do not recommend warping directly to a station.  Bubbles work… they really do.

In my humble opinion, it is this little trick that could keep high sec corps operating even during war decs.  Too often leaders are too quick to demand that their pilots dock up during any war dec, instead of finding ways to continue to operate d during them.  Who the hell, wants to waste their game time station spinning?!?!  I think you will find if you (or your corp) can survive a high sec war dec you will be on a fast path to null sec living.

My second lesson for the day… Well I don’t think a whole lot really needs to be said.

While out, in a small gang we got a report from a scout of a war target in a Kronos.  A mission faction fit marauder is a nice addition to any killboard.  The order was made to make best speed to a neighboring system, so we began to race to assist.  Before all of us could get there, the Kronos jumped into a couple of our guys.  Points were called as they locked him up with disruptors, and webs were applied to keep him from getting back to the gate.  Leaning forward in my chair I was rocking back and forth in front of my computer trying to coax more speed out of my fat, and now painfully slow, command ship.  The guys that were engaging the Kronos report that he wasn’t fighting, he wasn’t doing anything, and he was going down really quickly… 

What kind of silly trap is this???  In the next few seconds, almost too fast comprehend we heared over comms:
Do we wait for you guys to get here to get on the killmail?”
“He is convo-ing me… in russian”
“No kill him before he has a chance for any friends to show up!”
“He wants to pay us not to kill him”
“I don’t think he is fit.”
“He wants what?”
“Never mind he’s popped.”

The result was this Kronos killmail.  Take a look at it, can you tell me what his mistake was?
***Tip*** Know when you are under a war dec!

Until next time,

Be Bold…