24 November 2011

RL burn not blog fade

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

It has been a while since I've posted a blog.  It hasn't been from a lack of ideas...  as I am really excited about some of the changes coming with the winter expansion, and would like to see what surprises still remain.  A blog known as: Through Newb Eyes, has a good list of the goodies to come.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your point view) Real Life has gotten in the way.  Work, holidays, and school seem to occupy the majority of the time.  Being a *cough cough* mature player, I would not of told you a year ago, that I'd be back in school working on my second degree.... but here I am.

I promise more is to come...  BTW - what kind of topics would/do YOU like to read about?

Oh by the way...  If you are in the United States... 


Until next time,

Be Bold!!!

11 November 2011

What the hell is Effective Hit Points

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

A lot of new (and some experienced) players ask, "What is EHP?"  The short answer...
Effective Hit Points (EHP) It is a estimation on the amount of damage your ship can take, based upon its lowest resistances.

EHP = Hitpoints / (1 - Fractional Resistance)
***note***Fractional Resistance is the resistance percentage divided by 100.

To determine your total EHP you must determine the EHP for each tank type. (Shield, Armor, & Hull)
So let us look at the basic OMEN hull, with no character skills, as an example:

Shield Capacity = 1,173
Shield Resists = EM 0% Thermic 50% Kinetic 40% Explosive 20%
Shield EHP = 1,173 / (1-(0/100)) = 1,173

Armor Capacity = 1,563
Armor Resists = EM 50% Thermic 20% Kinetic 25% Explosive 35%
Armor EHP = 1,563 / (1-(20/100)) = 1953.75

Hull Capacity = 1,563
Hull Resists = EM 0% Thermic 0% Kinetic 0% Explosive 0%
Hull EHP = 1,563 / (1-(0/100)) = 1,563

TOTAL EHP = 4,6690

EHP is why a lot of ship setups use a Damage Control unit in a low slot.  As it gives a bonus resists to all three tank types.

I'd like to thank my fellow corp mate, McCreary075 for inspiring this post & the math that goes with it.

Until next time,

Be Bold...

02 November 2011

Amarr for the WTF!?!?

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

CCP has released images of the new Amarr BC

All I can say... WTF!?!?
The Amarr armor tank & are servants of God.

Their ships should look strong & inspire awe. NOT look incomplete or look anorexic!

Until next time...

Be bold!!!