24 June 2013

RISK Assessment

Pod Pilot Advice: Agatir Solenth – RISK ASSESSMENT

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

Before any Fleet Commander (FC) commits his forces to an engagement or begins an operation he should first assess the risk involved.  This need not be a long drawn out process.  On the contrary a competent FC should be able to quickly assess the risk variables and make the decision to engage or not within seconds.  If time permits I highly recommend that these items be discussed by the entire fleet, each pilot voicing their concerns and/or rating of risk involved.

22 June 2013

Industrial Pinata

Pod Pilot Report: Agatir Solenth - 13.6.21

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

Things have been a bit quiet in the W-Space, but that has given us some time to look for openings into Null Sec for a little bit of hit & run shenanigans.  You never know what you can run into.

The fun of a wormhole connections into Null Sec is that the inhabitants often won't know that we are there.  Null Sec'ers get comfortable having local (so they can see who is in system) with their intel channels (so they can pass the word of hostiles in the area).  This often leads certain pilots to become complacent as they conduct logistics (moving items) down a pipe line of systems.  So when we get a wormhole in, we can often set up a camp that no one is aware of.

However, this story doesn't begin that way...

12 June 2013

EvE Fan Creation - Check it out!

Pod pilot report Agatir Solenth:

Greetings my fellow pod pilots & blog readers!!!

I'm always amazed at the creativity of the EvE Online fan base.  Please check out the trailer that was created by one avid player!  The footage was edited from previous CCP creations. The monologue was taken from the audio book "Sphere" by Michael Crichton.

An awesome job in my humble opinion.

BTW - I'm a sucker for techno/electric music! (or whatever they are calling it these days)

Until next time...

Be Bold!!!

02 June 2013

Sorry CCP

Pod pilot apology: Agatir Solenth

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

If you read my last post you will have noticed that I inferred that CCP was to blame for the service interruption during our defense of a wormhole from Razor Alliance...

As it turns out, it wasn't a CCP issue... It was result of a DDOS attack!

 Sorry CCP!!!

Until next time...

Be Bold....

It happens but... so sad...

Pod pilot report Agatir Solenth: 2013.06.02 

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!

Well our defense of W-space is complete... with mixed results.  I'm not usually the kind of guy to blame CCP for the "FAIL" of an op... but in this case, I'll let EvEmail report do the talking:

USTZ TRECI Defense Outcome
From: [XXXXXX]
Sent: 2013.06.02 05:33
To: [xxxx], [xxxxx],  [xxxxxx],  [xxxxxxx], 

Xxxx/Xxxxx/et al,

Since I ended up FC'ing for most of the USTZ I wanted to let you know what happened and where we're at right now from my perspective. I'm not sure who would want to read this from the other corps/alliances but figured that you know most of the personalities who were interested. Please forward this to anyone else who might want to know what happened.

The bottom line up front is that a server crash enabled RAZOR to take down the bubbles around their POS and get their caps out to a safe.

Up until Tranquility started having issues around 0300 EVE everything was going fine. Bubble cage was fully in place and with about 20-30 pilots on grid at the RAZOR staging POS we were able to hold them inside. We killed a couple of sub-caps and locked one or two enemy scouts out, but no major engagements.

Once the server started to have problems and they rebooted Tranquility most of our people who were still online were not able to login. RAZOR did not have this problem, or at least not to the same extent that we did.

This enabled them to nose their tempests out of POS shields and take the bubbles down. Dreads and carriers warped off to a safe. Some RAZOR sub-caps started to self-destruct, which appears to be a trend which is continuing.

Where we're at right now is keeping eyes on the RAZOR POS, on the static, and keeping the few ships online inside the staging POS.

That's all I know as of 0500 EVE or so. The situation remains ... fluid.

Thanks for the opportunity to FC a good bunch of folks.

Thrakkar / Ro

All I can say... I logged off with us having control (looking forward to a fight when reinforcement timers expired), yet I got a Twitter alert the enemy was evacuating having destroyed our warp disruption bubbles, and when I was finally able to log on...  All Razor Alliance did was sit inside of the POS shields before running out of the wormhole.

Oh well, next time null comes back to W-Space, it will be a different story!

Until then,

Be Bold...

01 June 2013

A Call to Arms

POLARIZED. Member Report: Agatir Solenth - 2013.05.01

Greetings my fellow alliance men, women, & blog readers!!!

So... I was awakened this morning at 0903 with a Twitter alert.

"everyone on! 0sec invading w-space. massive op!"

Thinking this invasion might be a our home system, I quickly logged on.  I was happy to learn it wasn't our system that was targeted.  It was The Red Circle Inc. system.  A check of alliance mails provided this information:

"Hey everyone

Last night a fleet of 10 dread, 40 subcaps and some asserted stuff from Razor invaded The Red Circle inc. Apart from that in general 0sec alliances arent welcome in wh space, attacking one of the bigger corporations is just not done. Because of this any operation during the day may be cancelled immediatly. This will happen when

A. TRECI finds an entrence
B. TLC/W-space finds an entrence
C. we have other ways of helping wh bro's

if any more data becomes availeble i will let everyone know


Needless to say it was around 0900 that chain was found in, and soon after wormhole control was established over the system.  In my last post I mentioned that an attack in W-space is like kicking an ant hill...  Well let us just say that when a Null-Sec alliance kicks any W-space entity it is guaranteed to provoke a reaction from ALL of W-space alliances and corps.  We are a bit proud of our pvp world outside of Null-Sec influence.

Here is the first battle report from the first exchange of fire as POS's were reinforced.

I'll be sure to keep you posted...

Until next time...

Be Bold...