22 September 2011

As one thing comes to an end.... Another begins.

Pod Pilot Report Agatir Solenth:

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

It is official.  As of this week I have dropped all roles from SI Radio, and have set out on a new adventure.  At first I was not sure where I was going to land?  Many of my old corp had already left.  The majority had traveled toward Goon space, to become part of BSC Legion which was now part of TNT Alliance.

I have to admit I was tempted.  I had flown with those Brits for awhile now down in Tenerifis, and they are a friendly bunch.  However it seemed if I chose that path I'd just be doing the same thing that I had done before, and I wanted something different.

I also applied with two corps based in W-Space.  One, a small but developing corp based around shield tanking, the other a well established armor gang.  As I am Amarr-centric the more established corp seemed the right choice.  The smaller younger corp appealed to me... Why?  Because when you are "new" to EvE you have that sense of adventure.  When you have that, you have the willingness to try things, even if you are going to fail.  I really liked that.  So I began the interview/application song and dance with them.  So that I could see if they thought I might fit in with them.

You would be surprised at my final decision...


That is right, just as I thought I would go one way, Alekseyev Karrde of Noir. made me another offer.  An offer I could not refuse.  He didn't want to see the core of us SI Radio folks be spread to the winds due real life situations.  So he was willing to accept us into the mercenary fold until our leaders could return.  This would allow us to develop our small gang tactics.

I'd like to think it was because that we showed some promise when we flown with Noir. in Providence.  However, I don't think our killboard stats would support that.  What I do know: I like being part of a team, I like learning new things, and I love to blow people up in EvE!

I hope I get to all of that... before I have a chance to show them just what a noob I really am, and get booted back to the newbie corp.

Until next time...

Be bold... 


  1. Hey Agatir, long time fanboy of your writing. Glad you got your own blog going on now. Good luck in Noir too. Don't forget about us in Lone Star Exploration, if you decide later down the road to get back into wormholes. We would still love to have you.

  2. Well thanks, I hope it has been somewhat enjoyable, and/or helpful. I will definitely keep you guys in mind if the itch to return to WHs, overcomes my desire to pew pew.
