After a short time, I have decided to leave Noir. Mercenary Group. It became quite clear, fairly quickly, that I was too casual of a player to fit into the professional life style of merc work.
I still have a lot of respect for those folks. When they get on contract and get things together they can be a really effective group of pvpers. Just reading over their fittings sections of their forums proved they have the number crunchers to insure they get every lost point of dps, cap, m/s, tank etc. out of a ship.
So now I'm back on the road looking for another corp to join. I moved back into the corp I formed with some real life friends way back in the day. Unfortunately they don't log on, and it is my way of getting out of the newbie corp chat channel, as I go about my search.
Funny enough... since then I have gotten that corp supposedly set RED to at least one alliance & have been been passed on to be added to the CVA hate list as well. It would appear that I really pissed off some carebear. Here are some parts of the EVEMails that the CEO got after I blew up a destroyer in Provi. A gang of them caught my Pilgrim as I was trying to exit the pocket. So they won the isk war... destroyer for recon. Needless to say, he was still pissed (or crying):
From: 5hadow 1Sent: 2011.11.26 17:50
To: Pasha Aramata,
Your Pilot has agress me and has killed my destroyer today. Your corp has been turn -10 to our alliance and a KOS has been filed on the CVA KOS list.
2011.11.26 17:37:00
Victim: 5hadow 1
Corp: The Shadow's Of Eve
Alliance: TSOE Consortium
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Thrasher
System: 2V-CS5
Security: -0.1
Damage Taken: 3785
Involved parties:
Name: Agatir Solenth (laid the final blow)
Security: 3.4
Corp: Servants of the Throne Worlds
Alliance: NONE
Faction: NONE
Ship: Pilgrim
Weapon: Warrior II
Damage Done: 1944
If this is an pilot acting on his own please go to CVA Dilpo and ask for an KOS Admin or Diplo. They will be glad to help you.
Shadow 1 - CEO
The Shadow 's Of Eve
Re: Agression
From: Pasha AramataSent: 2011.11.26 22:37
Ok thank you for the warning. We won't be changing any standings toward your alliance. I'm sorry but we don't follow that NRDS policy. Anytime our pilots operate in 0.0 it assumed that they are KOS & and treat non-blues the same.
From: Pasha AramataSent: 2011.11.26 22:37
Ok thank you for the warning. We won't be changing any standings toward your alliance. I'm sorry but we don't follow that NRDS policy. Anytime our pilots operate in 0.0 it assumed that they are KOS & and treat non-blues the same.
p.s. Next time you're out of warp disruption range you may want to warp off, before your ship goes *pop* or was that a really bad attempt at bait, so as to have an excuse to set another corp -10?
Fly safe.... Stay Profitable...
Fly safe.... Stay Profitable...
Re: Re: Agression
From: 5hadow 1Sent: 2011.11.27 14:27
Weather you know it or not it is people like you and your pilots who cause Eve not to grow bigger. NRDS under CVA Rules Of Enguagement mean that you do not shoot - greif - kill - scam or any other acts dishonesty. Provi is a place were anyone can come without having to suck someones dick or pay to play in zero zero. You are only required to stay safe. Your pilot and corp had that oppertunity to do this. I did not bother him. I did not aggress him. I did not bait him.
Now to address your PS. This are my personal comments and not that of our Alliace or any CVA Holder. For your unprovoked aggression your dumb ass lost a 150 million dollar pilgrim for a 2.7 million destroyer. Your corp will not be able to come to provi and enjoy some peaceful ratting - mining - selling or just plain converastion and hanging our with decent people. You will be hunted like a dog as soon as you hit lowsec. That in my book is stupid. There is plenty of other space in eve for your actions. But narrow minded players like yourself can not understand this.
Have a bad day.
We will kill you soon if you come.
Fly unsafe and unprofitable
==================================From: 5hadow 1Sent: 2011.11.27 14:27
Weather you know it or not it is people like you and your pilots who cause Eve not to grow bigger. NRDS under CVA Rules Of Enguagement mean that you do not shoot - greif - kill - scam or any other acts dishonesty. Provi is a place were anyone can come without having to suck someones dick or pay to play in zero zero. You are only required to stay safe. Your pilot and corp had that oppertunity to do this. I did not bother him. I did not aggress him. I did not bait him.
Now to address your PS. This are my personal comments and not that of our Alliace or any CVA Holder. For your unprovoked aggression your dumb ass lost a 150 million dollar pilgrim for a 2.7 million destroyer. Your corp will not be able to come to provi and enjoy some peaceful ratting - mining - selling or just plain converastion and hanging our with decent people. You will be hunted like a dog as soon as you hit lowsec. That in my book is stupid. There is plenty of other space in eve for your actions. But narrow minded players like yourself can not understand this.
Have a bad day.
We will kill you soon if you come.
Fly unsafe and unprofitable
Now I don't normally condone players that grief, steal, cheat, or scam. I do not look to even cause Carebear Tears, but after reading those Evemails... I have to say... I wanted to cause some more!
As he landed, I waited for him to engage the rats. He was only 20km or so km from my ship. As the first rounds were exchanged, I decloaked, began to target him, locked him up, and set a flight of Warrior II's off to do their thing. I also began burning with my MWD aligning toward a tactical. Not surprisingly enough the Tengu and another ship landed soon after my drones began applying damage. I was soon taking damage, but stuck around long enough to watch the destroyer explode. Having been burning away the whole time I was able to get away before a point could be applied. Note - I did not warp disrupt the fool during the entire engagement. To be honest, I still think this knuckle head was sent in as fail bait.
I logged off soon after, when I witnessed them mobilizing to set a camp on the other side of the exit gate. (HIC with interceptors) They still got me later, when I logged back in. So thumbs up, on their persistence!
The fact that the guy has the balls to tell someone that "they are the reason" people don't play EvE is a bit much. I think the appropriate response would be... "Go back to WoW RP server!"
What this exchange has made me realize... there are certain people that deserve some grief in game. Now I'll just have to think of the right way to do it?
Until next time,
Be bold!!!
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