06 December 2011

Custom Office Take Over

Greetings my fellow pod pilots, & blog readers!!!

Well I finally did it!  I actually took part in taking down a structure in space and went through the process of anchoring and putting a structure online it its place, all by myself.  I have taken part in POS shoots, and was part of the alliance ops that secured an outpost for Split Infinity Alliance in Tenerifis.  I just never did it by myself, nor have I ever anchored something in space other than a mobile war disruption bubble.  I did own a faction medium tower for about a year.  My grand plan was to boldly head off into wormhole space on my own to make my riches.  Unfortunately events in real life and in game diverted me from that goal.
So for whatever reason when they announced that your corp could own the custom offices, it sparked a desire to have one.  Looking at the numbers I’m not even sure that it will ever be a profitable endeavor.  I don’t even know if I care if I am able to keep control of it…  All I know is that when I it was all said and done, I was able to look back on the screen and say that it was mine!  That I was able to conqueror that bit of space in this grand sandbox we call EvE.
So now the players of at least one gas planet can expect to have a tax rate well below the 17% that Interbus Custom Office normally charges.

Until next time,
Be Bold…

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