30 November 2014

Vision of Perma Death (Part 2: Character Advancement)

CCP Philosopher (Agatir's inner Dev): Dev-Post
Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!!!
During the last EvE Las Vegas CCP Rise spoke about the concept of perma-death in EvE Online.  

In this post I continue to expand on my concept of perma-death:

Character Advancement (tldr = Pirates plug in each skill level)
Perma-Death Charaters (PDC) would not skill up as normal.  Instead PDC’s would earn isk and loyalty points (LP) by running missions for their pirate faction.  Isk and loyalty points would be used to purchase skills books.  Each skill would have a skill book for each of the five levels.  Once purchased and plugged in (like implants), the character would immediately attain the appropriate level of the skill book.  Each level of the skill would be required to be purchased and plugged in prior to moving up to the next skill level (ie you have to buy level one, then level two, then three, etc… you could not simply go from no skill to and plug in level five).  These skills would be purchased upon found on the Pirate Market.

Pirate Mission (tldr = Pirates do pirate stuff)
Every PDC is a servant of the pirate faction they belong to.  To gain isk and LP a PDC will run missions for their respective pirate factions, and/or taking actions against the Empires and their capsuleers.
Types of actions things that will gain the pirate LP:
  • Destroying a player ship
  • Podding a capsuleer
  • Killing a pirate of an enemy faction (all other pirate factions)
  • Stealing the loot from another player
  • Planting a pirate flag (I'll expand on this later)
  • etc... 
The pirate would gain titles/rank (similar to Faction Warfare mechanics) and notoriety.  As the pirates notoriety rises so does his visibility on the bounty hunter system. (More to come later on Bounty Hunting and PDC's)


The Pirate Market (tldr = Pirates can only shop on the pirate market)
PDC would only be allowed to purchase items on the Pirate Market, this would include their skills.  PDC's would NOT be able to create or accept contracts.  Items would be required to be physically traded between characters or purchased on the Pirate Market.  The Pirate Market only exists at NPC pirate stations.

The majority of items would be available from NPCs market orders (prices would be 50% above the market average prices) however...

Capsuleers could seed the Pirate Market, but only if they have the Pirate Marketing skill (a new skill).  For each level of the Pirate Marketing and Advanced Pirate Marketing (another new skill) skills a capsuleer can set up market orders at one pirate station.  Additional skills such as a social skill could be added.  For example the Pirate Affinity skill would reduce the “bribery” fees(taxes) required to put items onto the Pirate Market.  Other skills could limit the number orders that  a player could place on the market as well.  All of these new marketing skills would only be available to capsuleers.

PDC's would not be able to place items on any market, only purchase them.

Next: Vision of Perma-Death (Part 3 - Bounty Hunting Pirates)

Until next time...

Be Bold...

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