30 May 2013

The Rhythm of W-Space

Pod Pilot Report: Agatir Solenth

Greetings my fellow pod pilots, & blog readers!!!
It is hard to believe, but I’ve been with Obstergo for over 8+ months, and the Porlarized. Alliance is nearly 3 months old.  It is safe to say that we have settled into the natural rhythm of wormhole life.

What is the natural rhythm of life in W-space? 

For those of you pod pilots that exist in K-space and unfamiliar with wormholes, life in an alliance/corp in W-space can be best described as like watching a colony of ants.  As the ants live within their ant hill, so do we live in our pocket of space, and like an ant hill our home can only be entered through a limited number of holes that disappear down into darkness.  As you watch an ant hill it will first appear that they move around in a chaotic fashion with little purpose, but the more time you spend watching them you quickly realize as each ant has a task it is focused on.  So too do the ships that move around the wormhole.  Some are pilots providing logistics for the POS’s, others are mining resources, some are building, others hunt sleepers to generate isk, there are scouts that scan out the ever changing W-space environment, and then there are those who roll the holes to search out more fruitful W-space connections.  Such is the chaotic rhythm of life within a wormhole.  At times that rhythm can be as calm and quiet as a sea with no wind or current.  It is peaceful… and EXTREMELY BORING!!!  …and when the enemy stumbles into a tunnel that leads to your home it can be as CRAZY as kicking an ant hill! 

That is beauty of being in corporation/alliance that you enjoy… especially in W-space.  As the ants form a colony, so too does your corp & alliance create a community.  When things are boring and calm the alliance comms are filled with jokes, laughter, discussion, and debate.  All inspired by diverse points of view based on cultures and experiences literally a world apart.  When targets or enemies are located and a fleet is formed those same voices become serious, and the “chaotic” activities are suspended for one purpose… to form up and FIGHT!!!  The day to day chaos is replaced by the chaos of a PvP engagement.  Even though the comms are not as lively (as battle comms discipline is practiced) you will find some select joking and laughter that makes such “serious business” fun.

When it is all over we retreat back to our wormhole home, settle back to our natural rhythm, and begin rolling the hole for the next big fight so we can do it all over again and again.

Until next time,
Be Bold…

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