EXHALE. Battle
Summary: Efraya - 2013.02.25
Greetings my fellow alliance men, women, & blog
I have asked my fellow alliance
members to share their wormhole stories and experiences here at the Be
Bold blog. One of the EXHALE. FCs Efraya has decided to tell
the tale of one of his more memorable fights.
and… I was there!
The Scene
After a nice weekend - sans spaceships - I logged into TS to be greeted by our new Alliance mates, Probe Patrol (PP). Quite a few people were online so I got the ball rolling looking for a decent K-Space for PP to come in "En masse". PP had an empty Orca already in BeerKeg (BK) and a full one waiting in Amarr. We scouted a few chains 5 to 6 systems deep and still hadn't found a decent K-space. 7th chain ended with an EoL lowsec adjacent to High Sec (HS) so the empty Orca was sent out to Amarr.
Heating Up
Next chain started to get a little more interesting.
BK > c6s > c4a
The c4a had 2 mining Ventures so we went into stealth mode to try and find them. After a minute or two, the 2nd Venture disappeared from D-scan, and we waited 5 more minutes for him to return. He didn't. We still went for the 1st venture and only dropped a whole fleet on him.
It's well know that The Kairos Syndicate live in a c2 so probes were dropped to find their system.
After scanning the chain looked like this:
BK > c6s > c4a > c2a > hsa
Scouts were placed on all of the holes so that Transmission Lost (TLost) couldn't move without us knowing about it. An Archon was reported in the c2a and after 5 - 10 minutes it disappeared. People out in K-space were told to come in combat ships and the Orcas were lumbering their way to one jump out from the HS entrance. While they moved over to K-space, more and more Exhale. were logging into Teamspeak and forming up. As the Orca's were nearing their destination, more and more TLost were filtering in by the 1's and 2's from HS.
Suddenly Spaceships
A TLost Broadsword was placed on the HS for… idk what reason. With the HS fleet in place, the W-space fleet was brought down the chain and told to hold on c4a > c2a. As they landed the HS fleet was instructed to move to the entrance wormhole in HS. Subcaps were instructed to jump on contact and hold their session cloaks. As the Orca's landed (heavily laden might I add) on the HS they were told to also jump in and hold cloaks. I de-cloaked and burned in for the Broadsword who had at that moment dropped his bubble. I was about 20 km away and unsure I could land a point on him, so I called for the Subcaps from HS to also decloak and snag the broadsword. With the Broadsword engaged he promptly bubbled up again. With full dps on him he was forced to jump out to HS as his fleet landed. Bubble gone the Orca's were told to go to warp, and with the enemy reinforcements on grid the W-space fleet was called to the field.
When suddenly 2 Archons appeared!
They appeared so suddenly I can only suspect that they were login trapping us on their HS. Comms were hectic as the TLost Falcon was successfully jamming our 5 Guardians while their reps were holding. They had a single Bhaalgorn to match ours single Bhaal. At this moment, the hero to this story, Aquanable appeared in comms asking what was needed? I called for another "Bhaal" so he was enroute. With reps holding on both sides, command to spread webs and point on the enemy subcaps was called. With our second Bhaal landing on field it was a matter of burning down the first Archon that was in triage and holding it to zero cap. With it down, the battle was won. It was then a matter of holding ships down so we could kill them. Neuts were switched to the 2nd Archon so he was held cap dry while we cleared the Bhaal and enemy dps off the field.
With the passage of so many ships through the chain including the 2 Orca's from HS. The holes were severely reduced. So a carefully planned extraction (i.e. total chaos) was executed. Fortunately everone managed to escape to HS then back to BK via another wormhole chain.
All in all, hell of a way of bringing onboard a new corp to the alliance.
Until next time...
Be Bold...
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