Exhale. Contract Summary: Eleniti Hakomairos - 2013.02.23
What follows is not a short battle report of the following : EN24 Article
and effect – the inescapable universal law that we all believe in
whether we are atheists, devout believers or just plain old
“I-don’t-care-type-of-guys”. Even though EVE is a game this same law of
causality applies. The decisions you make in this game can have
consequences to not only you, but several other people around you in the
game. This is archetype and definition of the sandbox gameplay of EvE.
The line members and powers that be in an alliance called U_N_K_N_O_W_N
(KNOW) learned that choices made, however innocent they might be, can
have unwanted repercussions down the line.
Prelude to a RequiemDaily
wormhole life commonly consists of a lot of scanning and idling. That
is what it is mostly about - spiced up with a generous dose of cloaking.
Rarely does one get to experience space battles were two fleets battle
it out like two noble warriors believing in some kind of Bushido code.
In general wormhole PvP is a bit like MMA fighting. Punch the other guy
in the mouth – elbow him on the temple and walk away with the occasional
good fight (=gf) comment thrown. Similarly events in wormholes also
revolve around few minutes of utter carnage. Occasionally though events
are set in motion that lead to a complex maze of maneuvers that resemble
a form of a well-orchestrated space ballet with a tinge of chaos in
On a relatively uneventful Thursday 7th february an
Exhale. director was scanning and idling in-game as well as in our
Teamspeak (TS) server. What he saw in our TS server was a non-alliance
member that had logged in to the Lobby. He quickly recognized the name
as belonging to a member of a corp that used to be a part of Exhale –
Timber Wolves (TW). Dragging him to private channel the events that
would lead to a C6 system being razed and purged were set in motion. The
TW director informed our contact that their home system was being
sieged and burned. After a sufficiently detailed discussion which
included intelligence about the defending forces, attacking forces and
fleet composition the details were relayed to alliance leadership. As
the negotiations between TW and Exhale. continued the first POS entered
reinforced mode on 7th February 20:14 Eve time (ET). As of yet it is
unknown how or when KNOW managed to infiltrate a sieging force of about
ten dreadnoughts, a carrier and a about 20 to 30 subcaps into the TW
system. In the opposite side, the TW side, three Dreadnoughts, three
Carriers, one Bhaalgorn and less than ten other pilots.
Enter the Ninja“Dwelling
in the far depths of the void, our wormhole warmachine ebbs and flows
through chains originating from our homesystem - our stronghold.
Pathfinding always starts with a scanning ship transversing our class
six static, then two, five more, finding and creating connections,
traversing through dozens of systems. When the chain is fully scanned
our scouts linger, probes hidden; hunters wait. When the order is given
and the fleet goes back to the stronghold, the chain collapses, the
cycle renews.”
- Exhale. Codex, Space Poet Cuervo HarrA
routine scanning operation had just begun, with the covert ops ships
being dispersed down the chain. We wanted a way into that system.
Alliance mails were sent and fleet compositions and destination were
announced on TS. The destination was going to be a wormhole from a
nullsec system that could serve as backdoor to the TW system, upon which
siege had been laid.
The first k-space connections were not of
any use, the exits all too far. One such connection even went as far as
the Eve constellation. These efforts were however in vain as KNOW took
rigid control of the sieged system, closing the null connection and
cycling the static. It would be later, deep in US timezone and with
dwindling KNOW numbers, that scouts ventured down TW chain and provided
an entry for the first Exhale fleet which included US timezone members
from Obstergo (XWX), (DEEP) and Explorer Corps (EXCRP). Their objective
would be to engage the hostiles on the first timer of the first pos, 24
hours later.
A second fleet was formed on the next day during
early EU timezone with the plan to achieve penetration into target
system and join forces with XWX/DEEP//EXCRP/TW to jump on the hostile
force as they were attacking towers. This support fleet came hours too
late as KNOW both had eyes on TW static and the fleet numbers to compete
for wormhole control , thus making any attempt to get a scanning party
into the chain unseen impossible. Additionally deploying scouts into the
chain presented the enemy an opportunity to lock our scouts out.
the same time a crucial event played out that could be defined as a
crossroads. Apparently a diplo of KNOW was in contact with officials of
Exhale. – how this communication came to be established and on whose
initiative it happened will remain in the dark and murky chambers of
DiploMagic land. It was noted during the first fleets insertion that an
ever vigilant (read: sleepless) russian scout that had stayed awake into
the US tz had seen some of the US tz guys whilst they were infiltrating
into the TW system. Nonetheless , something transpired in that
communication that led to KNOW establishing tight wormhole control on EU
tz as we were about to move our fleet towards an entrance. Coincidence
or luck? Either way , that made it impossible to get into target system.
Our FC described their actions later as “Panic-collapsing”.
Although this might have been a prudent measure by KNOWn it caused the
fleet commanders of Exhale. to devise another plan. We knew that the
attacking entity had deployed a sizable capital force into the TW system
which was a C5. There are 512 C5-systems and we contemplated rolling
from several C5-C5 systems simultaneously to get a direct K162 into the
target system, KNOWs system or any other home systems of the invading
alliances.That was decided to be a too slim chance to get in - not to
mention the logistical difficulties involved in that approach. Amidst
the heated planning in a moment of clarity the magic words: “Let’s
invade U N K N O W N s home system” were spoken.
The RazeThe
decision had been made - there are only 113 C6 systems and rolling from
a C6-C6 wormhole gives 5 to 6 times better odds of finding KNOW. And so
we rolled - using advanced database hacking algorithms and with proper
usage of Amarrian sacrificial rituals that involved many unlucky
Minmatar slaves we attempted to increase our chances of getting a
beachhead into KNOWs home. Amidst the silent hacking sounds and the
terrified screams of the Minmatar slaves our forward scouts reported
back: “This is it -WE FOUND IT”. Frantic calls for the invasion fleet
were made and in a matter of seconds our static hole – our beachhead
into their system had a protective cocoon of a HIC bubble around it.
For such an occasion, wormhole entities such as us, prepare Invasion
TM. Such a Kit generally contains a Control Tower, POS
modules, fuel, ammo, cyno ships and exotic dancers (only, we did forget
the cynoships, and someone parted with the dancers) - the essential
toolkit for operating and delivering wanton destruction in a hostile
environment. Our towers went up in the KNOW system as the rest of the
fleet established wormhole control. Final checks were made that the
Invasion Kits
TM contained all the essentials and then the
command was given : “Second dreadnought – you’re cleared to jump in”.
The combined mass of the sub-capital fleet with two dreadnoughts was
enough to collapse the wormhole. Our leadership reminisced later that it
seems that: “.. as the connection collapsed behind us, KNOWs courage
and will to fight collapsed with it”.
There were no further
attempts to wrench wormhole control from us, not even when we had only
four pilots online in the system. One of the FC’s mentioned that he was
shot by a subcapital ship only once during the weekend - a bit of an
anticlimax to say the least. Simultaneously the dreaded SD marathon had
begun: massive amounts of ships including capitals, T3 cruisers and
assorted other ships were blown up.
(Wrecks, Wrecks everywhere).
scouts tried to keep track of all of them but the tears in their eyes
from seeing so many beautiful capitals and T3 cruisers destroyed in such
a shameful way obscured their vision and boggled their minds. Those
ships deserved better. That disgrace however did not deter us - we are
professionals at what we do and proceeded to methodically reinforce all
of the system and then destroy the POS’s one by one. It is impossible to
evaluate how much in ISK value was destroyed but most likely the figure
approaches 100 billion ISK in total.
As ever structure shooting
is not fun neither in null nor wormholes. Some fun was had however when
five minutes after a warp caged POS was destroyed the CEO of a corp
loged in his Loki and landed amidst the bubbles: Loki
Additional fun was had when a expensive Cheetah tried to make a run for
it that led to its demise – noteworthy are the large rigs on the ship
meaning it had survived quite some time:
http://www.exhale.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=16321735 Ancient Cheetah.
The exodusMeanwhile
in the TW system events were unfolding in a very different way. The
hostile force had managed to get additional reinforcements into TW
system and had established solid wormhole control during their time zone
after which they proceeded to relentlessly reinforce all of the system.
KNOWN had brought friends with them: Jedi Path, BLOOD UNION, Hell Gate
Alliance, Crit line and even members of Red Overlord were rumoured to
be in system. It seems many had joined forces with KNOW to help them to
destroy the system. At that time point the decision was made to withdraw
essential (read: expensive) assets; as the russian time zone dwindled
in strength, US tz took wormhole control and made an evac possible that
enabled TW to get most of their valuable assets out of the hole as well
as all their capital ships. A Lot of equipment was abandoned to the
whims of the loot fairy and the hands of the invaders. Once evacuation
of the most essential assets was complete the US tz forces concentrated
on getting into to KNOWs home system to get the bitter taste of
evacuation out of their mouths. We wanted blood - a system for a system.
brought reinforcements into the now besieged home system of KNOW. With a
sizable subcapital and capital force deployed into to KNOW system the
god of destruction - Moros and his demigod little brother, the
Revelation started burning through enemy structure hitpoints to
reinforce them. Once the dust had settled, the dreads were sent back to
the pos’s and the never ending marathon of trying to maintain wormhole
control begun. In this occasion we had a full enemy fleet away wanting
to come back after they burnt TW. All the while our own resupply ships
were busy bringing in ammo, strontium and exotic dancers into KNOW
system - the essentials of any warmongering fleet.

(Supply ship and his escort ships of doom)
a feeling of desperation not being able to get reinforcements back into
your home system knowing that every time you try to sneak by, eyes will
be on your back and the static collapsed behind you, knowing that
someone is ever awake, hidden in a cloaked covert ops ship with skills,
training, motivation and equipment as good as yours, or possibly better,
supported by a group of pilots waiting at a pos, fleeted up, ready.
This feeling is only achieved if every enemy action immediately produces
a reaction. KNOW performed admirably in the TW system .They achieved
wormhole control in russian tz in TW system by collapsing their statics
and the eventual K162 the very minute they formed, by uncloaking covops
ships 100-200km off the static and dropping a new set of probes, by
having a fleet continuously logged in, well out of reach of the few
skirmishers we could have mustered.
But KNOW left some gaps in their guard. We managed to sneak in XWX,DEEP and EXCRP fleet after all.
This is what we achieved with KNOW, what ultimately broke them.
this was the work of those pilots that kept harassing KNOW around the
clock, fighting up and down the chain, collapsing, reinforcing,
bubbling, drafting industrials to bring extra strontium and ammo.
Exhale. was there when it mattered.
K162 were inevitable. The rumour of our invasion had spread, and by
chance or will we found our fleet facing an unknown one at the other
side of a C6. Scouts report Bite me Inc. Their scouts have seen us and
jumped back. Both fleets are at zero, the Dreadnoughts looming some
kilometers off.
In the end, the standoff did not happen, they
never engaged, not this time nor on each of the two other occasions we
happened to cross paths during the op. We’re only expecting fights from
Bite Me Inc on overwhelming odds.
However an Abaddon jumped through and to its demise, piloted by Cybus of Bitten.
graciously offered his pod a path to highsec, an offer which he
accepted. One of our FC’s commented later that apparently Cybus forgot
to say “thanks” and given the chance he would reconsider the offer of
letting him out. This one goes into the Book of Strife.
the crossroads we discussed earlier? The KNOW choice of opening and
diplo communication with us which apparently lead to them maintaining
wormhole control in TW system? Although it is highly speculative it
seems that this choice cost them their home system. Despite the
hurfblurf in EVE-O forums about a pre-planned invasion this was not one.
The simple act of right-clicking on our director on Friday and opening a
convo with him led to this - we could not get in TW system, we decided
to invaded their home. Had he not done that they would have probably
been oblivious to our role in TW’s system defense and only lost their
forward deployment force of 20 subcaps and assorted capital ships. Now
they have no home system and must rebuild again. We as an alliance hope
and encourage them to rebuild their home. They had the courage to attack
another system in wormhole space which takes skill, determination and
balls of steel. Wormhole space needs more alliances like that – only
next time they will hopefully have learned not to leave their home
system unguarded.