15 October 2011

The war is over.

Pod Pilot Report: Agatir Solenth

Greetings my fellow pod pilots, & blog readers!!!
The war & celebration has finally come to an end.  Here are the final results.  Just under 90% efficiency, and over 30 billion isk blown up!  Not too bad.

Hunting around the trade hubs was where the bulk of the work was done.  However we did get some small fleet/gang fights.  These fights were my first couple of chances to fly as part of one of the fleet concepts that Noir. employs utilizing T2 cruisers.  Here are the results of fight one & two.  A great experience to see how a solid concept with strong leadership can provide results.  There were a few other fights that I missed as well.

As you can see from these fights they were both against EVE University & Ivy League.  Some would say, that it wasn't much sport for a merc corp to go head to head against a corp full of new players.  You are probably right... However, I want to say that EVE University [E-UNI] did not back down from any of the fights, and actually sought them out so they could learn!  The fights that we had against them were mostly prearranged by FCs on both sides.

There is one constant in EvE:
If you don't got out and risk losing ships in PvP, then you will never get better at PvP!

I want to say that we have nothing but respect for those guys that turned up to fight!  At least they fought the good fight unlike:
Desperate Academy
Cryptonym Federation
Masonry Industry
German Constructors
Mostly Inappropriate
Orion Katana
Exitus Acta Probat
The Bougainvillea Trade  Company
Bloddy Angels
Silver and Sons
x Devil Human Dark Side x
Sov-Loss Assurance Partners LLP
Heaven's Army
Special Needs Children
Original Ganksters
No Destiny
UmbRella of Sky
Carebear Mafia
Joint Endeavor
Decadence. Technologies

All of these corps surrendered during the war.
One last thing, just so you don't think that we didn't experience any losses during our fights with EVE University...   Check out this battle report of one of our final fights with them.  Our FC knew it wasn't the smartest fight to get into, but IF EVE University can bring it against stacked odds, then our guys weren't gonna run from a fight either.

As a side note, the FC for the E-UNI fleet, Asion Ghasha was offered a roster spot in Noir. as reward for being the only E-UNI FC to beat us this week.  Word is that he will be accepting.

Until next time...

Be Bold

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