28 October 2011

Give credit where credit is due.

Greetings my fellow pod pilots and blog readers!

The reason I've decided to write a blog about EvE, is that I have been inspired by others.  EvE is a vastly complex game that can be a bit overwhelming.  However, by reading what other people have done, or learning from their experiences, and hearing their insight gets me motivated to play.  It has also inspired me to share my EvE experiences.

A lot of blogs end up giving the same tips and tricks with a different voice.(mine being one of them)  Others end up having its own voice with its own message.  So when I find a blog that is down right good, that says the things better than I could, the I like to give them credit.  If only to get their numbers up, so that they might be inspired to keep doing what they do.

So I would like you to give The Altruist a Blog by Azual Skoll a shot.  He has recently been accepted to the EvE Blog Pack!  Congrats Mr. Skoll.


 Azual Skoll is also the Director of Agony Unleashed's PVP Univeristy.

He has been doing a real good series about the various hull types in EvE:

Know Your Enemies [Insert Ship Type Here]:

Battle Cruisers
Cruisers part 2
Destroyers & Interdictors
Faction Frigates
Frigates T2 part 1
Frigates T2 part 2
Heavy Assault Cruisers
Heavy Interdictors
Navy CruisersRecons

So please go check him out!

Until next time,

Be Bold!!!

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